Why Should Not Use Plastic Bottles

speedex steel water bottles

There has been constant awareness regarding how plastic bottles can degrade our health and deteriorate the environment. Still, people have not stopped using disposable water bottles. In fact, there has been a rise in the use of plastic bottles that are costing us our health and the sustainability of our planet. The most astonishing fact is that 90% of these bottles do not even make their way to recycling. The billions of plastic waste keep on taking the space of landfills and even reach our oceans, becoming the reason for the death of millions of aquatic animals every year, mainly due to the accidental ingestion of plastic.

If you are at all concerned about your health and the environment, then it’s time to ditch the plastic bottles and move on to the reusable ones. One of the best options available in the market is Speedex Steel Water Bottles. The bottles are made from high-quality steel and have insulated walls that keep your water clean, hygienic, and fresh for long hours. Speedex water bottles are perfect for those who keep their health beyond everything.

If you are still not convinced why you should not use plastic bottles, then we are here mentioning a few points that might change your perception:

Breaking The Myth of Quality Water: One of the main reasons people buy bottled water, irrespective of the increasing plastic pollution, is that they consider bottled water is of high-quality. Let us break this misconception. Water in the bottle comes from similar sources as your municipal water supply. Additionally, plastic bottles contain harmful chemicals, including BPA, that can take a toll on your health. Therefore, it becomes crucial to use stainless steel bottles instead of plastic ones.

The Major Cause Behind The Increasing Pollution: Plastic bottles take thousands of years to decompose in the natural surroundings. This means that the plastic bottle that you are using today will be going to litter the planet even after you are long gone. The increasing plastic pollution is speedily filling our landfills and also moving to our water bodies, making it difficult for aquatic life to survive. As per the report, if plastic pollution keeps on increasing at the same pace, there will be more plastic in oceans than fish by 2050. To avoid such a situation, the best we can do is to stop using plastic bottles and move to an Eco-friendly option, and that is steel bottles.

Even BPA Free Plastic Bottles Are Not Safe: Many bottled water companies guarantee that their bottles do not contain the chemical named BPA. But that doesn’t mean the bottles are free from other harmful chemicals. These chemicals can leach into your water if kept in heat or left to sit for long hours and then mess with your wellness.

The Bottles Are Fragile: Plastic bottles are flimsy and can easily be crushed. They don’t have the durability that a user wants in their bottles, and investing in them can become a little costly for you as you will find the need to purchase new bottles over and over again. Whereas, steel bottles can be reused hundreds of times and serve your needs for multiple years.

Drinking From Plastic Bottles Can Make You Gain Weight: Working hard to lose weight, but nothing seems to work? You can put all the blame on your plastic water bottles as they contain chemicals like BPA and BHPF that mess with the level of the hormones in your body that are correlated to the weight management problems. If you want to stay healthy and don’t want to make obesity your lifetime partner, then ditching plastic bottles should be the first thing that you must do.

You Are Consuming Microplastic: The most threatening fact about drinking from plastic bottles is that it puts you at the risk of consuming microplastic. Microplastics are the tiniest pieces of plastic that mix with your water and get into your body when you drink from plastic bottles. Don’t make plastic your diet by switching to stainless steel water bottles.

The Truth Behind Recycling: Only about 10% of plastic waste makes its way to recycling. Even the same is recycled using a lot of natural resources and emitting more toxins into the environment, just to produce more plastic products. All this can be stopped by a simple step of moving to the use of reusable bottles instead of plastic ones.